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Cole Yoon


"There were no cameras, no lights"..

A fans' post about IU's treatment towards them is going viral.

In the post, the fan writes that the netizen attended the Melon Music Award held on the December 4th and wrote about meeting IU. The poster wrote "Most of the other singers just stared at the camera and spoke but that IU when speaking was looking at fans, and that the netizen felt like IU was caring for her fans.

Also the poster wrote" When the camera is off the artists leave the stage without even having a mic on but IU alone came on stage and danced for us. I could tell by the staff's expression that this was not a planned event. Even though it's ok if the singer rested during non recording time, she came out to fans screaming for her and even playfully signaled us to be quiet."

The netizen lastly said "Once IU finished saying her speech the mic and camera was turned off, then IU asked if the mic could be turned back on and told the audience, 'Thank you so much for coming out and clapping for us. I hope we meet again soon'. Everybody in the audience became a fan that night."


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